It’s quiet. Judah and Noelle are in their rooms playing, Joe is standing guard just outside my door valiantly handling the various interruptions of “quiet time.” For weeks I’ve been…

It’s here… The moment has arrived, The Big Day. The box opens, eager hands grab at the crisp untouched workbook; the cover is still shiny, the corners still sharp. My…
“God Kisses” I call them. Those tangible moments when I feel the Father’s affectionate eye twinkle on me… Unexpected. Sudden. Sweet. A reminder that He sees me, knows my every…
This post is part of the Avoid Homeschool Burnout series. See the footer for more posts. Leave a comment to share your ideas with other homeschooling families! Homeschooling can fill my life and expand to smother it until…
You were supposed to have your chores done an hour ago! I asked you to clean off the table after breakfast so we can do school… I know I told you to…