Judah’s favorite thing to do with me right now is play “transformers”. It’s one of my favorite things to do with him too, but not right before bedtime, which is normally when he asks to play.
My usual response of “Sorry buddy, it’s too late” or “Ehhh, sure, but we need to set a timer” just didn’t seem right the other night and I couldn’t figure out why. I then realized I needed to teach him about coordinating his time with the needs of his normal schedule, and the needs of everyone else’s schedules.
Schedules are very important to our family in this season of life.
We had the best meeting two guys can have. Short, sweet, and to the point. During our meeting we talked about how he needs to ask ahead of time so others can have an opportunity to adjust their schedules and how that creates more probability for a YES, which is what we both want!
From what I can tell, he got it!