The short answer to that question is YES! It is absolutely doable… but you’re jumping in the deep end so be ready to start swimming. You are going to need to determine where your student is academically so that you know where to pick up.
If you are pulling your student out because they are struggling academically, you may want to spend the rest of the year remediating and being sure that all the fundamentals are in place. It is more important that your student learn the material than just check the box to say that a credit was completed. This is especially critical in language arts and mathematics.
Take some time and look at your student’s current text books to determine what they have covered thus far this year. If they are making good progress in a subject, you will want to get a similar textbook or academic program so that you can continue with what they have started. If, however, they just aren’t getting it with their current curriculum, feel free to try another angle.
Math and language arts are the areas that require strong foundations and therefore fairly accurate placement into a curriculum. Most math curricula provide placement tests so that you can know where to start your student.
As for language arts, you will want to be sure that your student has a strong foundation in grammar and spelling, then read lots of good books and have your student work on their writing skills. You can choose to continue the English credit they have started as long as you know these foundational areas are strong.
If you’re ready to take on high school subjects at home, my favorite resource for obtaining curriculum is R.O.C.K. Solid.
By working at home, you have the luxury of taking some courses online and working on others at home. You also have the ability to work at your student’s pace to be sure that they truly are learning the material. The key is to make a plan and be diligent about sticking with it.
If you are newly homeschooling in the state of Florida, you will need to send your Letter of Intent to your local school district. Find more information here on Getting Started with homeschooling in the state of Florida check FPEA.
For a complete list of all State’s requirements check out HSLDA.
To your success
Joanne Mastronicola is an author and counselor focusing on all things high school. You can learn more about her at http://highschoolpuzzle.com.