must read books featured image

Y’all… our family library is out of control. We have shelves up to the ceiling and books in piles on the floor and books in the basement and in each of…

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When the routine of school is removed from your day, what’s left? Without the structure of school, our summers with kids of all ages in the house can feel too chaotic….

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I used to have a neat home with everything in its place at the end of each night. I used to be able to find the dining room table beneath…

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So you opened a cool present and it’s time to write a thank you note. Do you know how? Do you just add a quick thanks for the gift personalization to a card and…

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I hate it when I forget a book’s title. If it’s a tome our kids loved, I can usually count on them to remember the title for me… but sometimes we both…

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Don't bring public school home... enjoy the flexibility of homeschooling!

Hey public school friends… homeschoolers do not do school at home and we don’t think you should either! I know you’re scrambling now that kids are home and work is…

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Better Together

by Allie Olsen
homeschool convention corona virus

As the homeschool community respects “social distancing” to combat the health crisis, many are missing the opportunity to browse, learn and shop at Homeschool Conventions. Vendor friends of ours were discussing…

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