I love loveliness. I always have, it’s been a theme in my life since I was a tiny thing exploring the rose garden with my Grammy. She would count the…

Pause, Mama. Pause, and breathe deep. There is a sweetness in the crisp air, anticipation. Are you aware of it? Or, have all the “shoulds,” to-do lists, menu planning, baking,…

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is we get a front row seat to watch what sparks inspiration in our children. We then get the privilege to fan that…

Your lesson planning is done, your schedule is all set AND… The pet gerbil has babies, you get an unexpected visitor, it rains and you play in it, or the…

Routine… We all want it, we know it’s the key to a thriving home, family, business, or homeschool. Yet routine can seem like a phantom, a holy grail—just out of…

You check in, pay your dues, and receive the goody bag. You square your shoulders and walk confidently towards the golden gates of the exhibit hall. Oh, what wonders await!…

“I will help thee, saith the Lord.” — Isaiah 41:14 This morning let us hear the Lord Jesus speak to each one of us: “I will help thee.” “It is…