Gosh I love Fall. There is something I love about every season, but fall is my favorite. Since we live in Florida, our take on Fall is a little… well, a little warmer. I’m writing this by the firepit… in bare feet and a short sleeved t shirt because it’s 72*. But whether it’s in the 70’s or a crisp 68* where you live, Fall is an invigorating season. Get outside, do some hands-on learning and enjoy nature!
Sometimes, we homeschool moms tend to overthink making memories. The Nester has it right… It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. To that end, here are 10 easy ways to enjoy fall right now. Don’t wait to organize the perfect nature study hiking trip or to get to the store to bake an apple pie. Celebrate now. Live fully in this moment. Enjoy Fall!
Today, choose one (or several to be a super-fun mom!) from this list and make a fall family memory:
1. Make some hot chocolate for no reason. Top it with a dash of cinnamon or cocoa powder, a marshmallow or some whipped cream to make it extra festive! What? No cocoa powder in your pantry? No problem… steep a cinnamon stick & dash of nutmeg in apple juice for hot apple cider or just brew a cup of hot tea! Anything sipped outside or by a fire becomes an instant treat!
2. Do school outside. This doesn’t require a change of schedule or any creativity… just take your school outside!
3. Start a “Thankful Tree.” Cut a tree shape out of paper bags and start writing things you’re thankful for on leaves (real or paper)- hang it on the wall. We get our family in on the action by sending paper leaves to far away relatives and having them mail back what they’re thankful for. Then we thank God for them as we hang their leaf on our tree.
4. Go on a nature walk. Slow down and look for something new. See nature through your littlest student’s eyes. Bonus points if you take the identification book with you!
5. Make a project with leaves. This is what Pinterest is for… but set your timer for 1 minute when you start to surf so you get off the ‘net and get back to enjoying fall with your family!
6. Serve a neighbor. Do you have a friend who needs their garden weeded? Lawn mowed? Leaves raked? Grab a thermos of cider and go bless someone!
7. Hit a bookstore. What does a bookstore have to do with fall, you ask? Well, there is no better way to get into a novel than on a blanket outside on a fall day. If you want to raise readers, do something spontaneous to make reading delicious.
8. Rake up a leaf pile… whether you run through & jump in is up to you. ;)
9. Go buy a pumpkin! Draw on it, carve it, stick allspice cloves in it, spray paint it or just plop it on the porch… if I have a pumpkin and a cinnamon broom, I’m a happy girl. It’s the little things that make this season so fab.
10. Feed the birds. Every kid should have a chance to make a pinecone bird feeder. It’s so simple you can likely do it today! Smear peanut butter in a pinecone. Roll it in birdseed. Hang outside. BAM! You’re supermom!
Enjoy making sweet memories with your kiddos- comment with other easy ways to celebrate fall!! From our home in St. Augustine, Florida to all my Homeschool Manager friends, Happy Fall Y’all!