Summertime… and the livin’s easy!
At least that’s what we often long for. After heavy course loads during the school year plus sports, competitive debate, co-ops, work & other extra-curriculars, moms and high school students alike long for a break! But have you considered that taking a 2.5 month vacation might be what makes the rest of your school year so hectic?
As a Mamma of 8, I know how it feels to be wiped out at the end of the school year! I definitely need a break now that co-op is finished. But I’ve learned a thing or two from decades homeschooling and this summer, I’m planning to ease some to-do’s into our summer vibin’.
Here are 5 ways to make the most of your summer:
#1 Create a High School Bucket List
Let’s start with a fun idea: A HS Bucket List. Think of anything you hope to accomplish while in high school… Do you want to conquer your fear of heights by going zip lining? Learn how to make chocolate mousse? Change a tire? Learn a foreign language? {Wait, you have to do that to graduate in most states!} Hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail? From movie marathons with your fam to attending a friend’s game (you have to go to at least one football or basketball game!) to registering to vote, a bucket list is a place to jot goals and dreams.
#2 Summer School FTW
What subject plagues you all school year long? For my son, it’s math. He’d rather write a research paper, speak in front of hundreds or mow every neighbor on the block’s lawn than do another math lesson. So he’s doing it this summer. Let me tell you why this is a good idea: There’s no extra stress to make this subject worse than it really is. The only thing competing for his time is the beach and one can only handle so much Florida sunshine in a summer. Knocking out math now frees him up spend more time on the school he loves during the busy school year.
Aside from knocking out a subject to lighten the rest of the school year, consider using this time as a stats check for your high school. Homeschool Manager makes getting ready for post-high-school plans easy with features like the Book List builder (more on that in a sec) & Transcript Wizard. Build a transcript out and take a good look at what you’ve accomplished so far with your high school years. Compare where you are with where you want to be. Then use this summer’s down time to get there.
#3 Use Homeschool Manager’s Volunteer Hour Tracking
Many colleges smile on community service for admission and most scholarships require it. Spend some of your summer giving back to the community. Get creative as you work to get community service hours- pour into an organization you’re passionate about! Homeschool Manager makes it easy to track your time so when it’s time to apply for your college applications, all your service hours are just a click away… no more sorting through piles of notes or flipping through old calendars!
#4 Scholarship Applications
You can make $8 an hour at a minimum wage job… or you can earn hundreds of dollars in the same time through a college scholarship! Make a point of submitting an application a week (or more if you’re sitting in a chair complaining, “I’m bored!”).
#5 Fill out that Book List
You didn’t write every book you read last year in your Book List, did you? Use this summer to type those in and get in the habit of entering books as you go! Homeschool Manager keeps track of books for you. We even have a place to record notes so 2 years from now you can remember why you should recommend that book to a friend or not!
Mix a bit of responsibility in with your down time. Take control of your high school to-do list and make this summer work for you.
And as you start preparing for the new school year, let us help you start the new year off right! Check out what other moms are saying about Homeschool Manager here and email us any questions at howdy@homeschoolmanager.com- we’re here to help! Happy Summer!
Here are a few helpful resources for you to explore:
2. How to determine the credits required by your state to graduate in each subject (she has a list of resources by state)
3. Visit colleges and trade schools.
4. Take the ACT, SAT, or CLT (contact the colleges you’re considering to find out which test they prefer)