Your lesson planning is done, your schedule is all set AND… The pet gerbil has babies, you get an unexpected visitor, it rains and you play in it, or the…

Summertime… and the livin’s easy! At least that’s what we often long for. After heavy course loads during the school year plus sports, competitive debate, co-ops, work & other extra-curriculars, moms…

The short answer to that question is YES! It is absolutely doable… but you’re jumping in the deep end so be ready to start swimming. You are going to need…

14 years and 7 kids ago, we started a tradition. When little Ben (then 2 years old, now 24!) received a gift, we taught him to write a thank you note before taking the…
You were supposed to have your chores done an hour ago! I asked you to clean off the table after breakfast so we can do school… I know I told you to…