I used to have a neat home with everything in its place at the end of each night. I used to be able to find the dining room table beneath…
I hate it when I forget a book’s title. If it’s a tome our kids loved, I can usually count on them to remember the title for me… but sometimes we both…

I love loveliness. I always have, it’s been a theme in my life since I was a tiny thing exploring the rose garden with my Grammy. She would count the…

Homeschooling mamas- have you ever wished you could chat with an experienced mom and glean from all her knowledge? We sat down with our friend and author of Celebrate High…

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is we get a front row seat to watch what sparks inspiration in our children. We then get the privilege to fan that…

Part 2, Increasing ability Recalling Part 1 of this series, we talked about Dr. BJ Fogg’s behavior model that states behavior happens when motivation, ability, and a trigger occur at…

Part 1, Defining behavior and setting the trigger In my line of work (Behavior Design) I study and apply neuroscience and psychology to everyday tasks. Really, what I’m trying to…