I love loveliness. I always have, it’s been a theme in my life since I was a tiny thing exploring the rose garden with my Grammy. She would count the…

Pause, Mama. Pause, and breathe deep. There is a sweetness in the crisp air, anticipation. Are you aware of it? Or, have all the “shoulds,” to-do lists, menu planning, baking,…

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is we get a front row seat to watch what sparks inspiration in our children. We then get the privilege to fan that…

Gosh I love Fall. There is something I love about every season, but fall is my favorite. Since we live in Florida, our take on Fall is a little… well,…

“I will help thee, saith the Lord.” — Isaiah 41:14 This morning let us hear the Lord Jesus speak to each one of us: “I will help thee.” “It is…

A new calendar. A blank slate. Does yours pristinely shine from the side of your fridge or is your planner already buried beneath a stack of to-do’s? I have to remember…

14 years and 7 kids ago, we started a tradition. When little Ben (then 2 years old, now 24!) received a gift, we taught him to write a thank you note before taking the…