Are you celebrating your progress in your homeschool day? I don’t mean how many pages you read aloud or whether you’re caught up grading math! Are you celebrating tiny wins for…
Homeschool Moms & Dads: don’t be obsessed with perfection. It’s paralyzing, not very helpful, and impossible to live up to. Instead, embrace daily, small progress towards your ideals.

Part 2, Increasing ability Recalling Part 1 of this series, we talked about Dr. BJ Fogg’s behavior model that states behavior happens when motivation, ability, and a trigger occur at…

Part 1, Defining behavior and setting the trigger In my line of work (Behavior Design) I study and apply neuroscience and psychology to everyday tasks. Really, what I’m trying to…
Depending on your state’s homeschooling laws, you may need to track your child’s time and attendance. You can get a better idea of these requirements for your state by going…
It’s becoming more and more common for homeschooled high schoolers to take courses from a co-op, tutorial or college. These courses are typically graded by teachers at those institutions, but…

Your student is doing some amazing things in high school that really don’t fit well onto an academic transcript. Yet, you want to highlight them in some way for future…