Daily Encouragement: Homeschool Manager Hacks For Moms -Part 1

by Allie Olsen

HSM Moms use Homeschool Manager for our kids every day… still, today’s quick Daily Encouragement just may rock your world!

Moms, create your own “student card” to schedule and track your personal tasks! Assign yourself anything you don’t want to forget during school time:

  • sit with a kid to help him write a thank you note
  • catch up on all grading before family movie night
  • review multiplication tables
  • confirm whether your junior applied for the scholarship
  • do the science experiment you bought the supplies for but skipped the past 4 days because you don’t want to clean up the mess

I love to-do lists but I can’t mix my school to-do’s with my household ones or I’ll get distracted making phone calls when I should be teaching! Giving myself a Homeschool Manager “student card” and assigning myself school tasks keeps me on track and helps me meet my homeschooling goals! What will you put on your homeschool to-do list?


Published by Allie Olsen