As the homeschool community respects “social distancing” to combat the health crisis, many are missing the opportunity to browse, learn and shop at Homeschool Conventions. Vendor friends of ours were discussing this and decided to band together to help! We are all in this together and, during this time of need, we are glad to support you.
Browse this list of awesome homeschool resources (hand-picked just for you!) and discover high quality, engaging homeschool products & tools for everyone in your family from toddlers to teens.
Shop this list of Homeschool Vendors with curiosity and discernment just like you would at your state convention. If you’re new to homeschooling, here are our protips for how to shop at a Homeschool Convention! We pray that you are blessed with all the treasures you find here for your family.
~Allie O. co-owner HomeschoolManager.com and member of The Christian Homeschool Publishing Group
Artistic Pursuits Was Your Convention Canceled? We’ve doubled our convention special to 40% off and opened it to everyone. We are including free shipping on all book sets! check it out on our website www.artisticpursuits.com. We are open and shipping out regularly!
BiblioPlan is a classical history and literature curriculum for christian home schoolers & homeschool co-ops. Use the code BiblioPlan15 to get 15% off everything on the BiblioPlan website!
Bright Ideas Press – 3 Free Literature Study Guides
Our commitment to you and your family is to provide Christian-oriented curriculum at an affordable price that will inspire, encourage, and equip teachers and students alike.
Our resources help homeschool families and co-op teachers by:
- Incorporating multiple age groups
- Engaging all learning styles
- Supplying a full array of ready-to-use supplemental resources
- Integrating learning across subjects
Browse our full range of products at brightideaspress.com for product features, sample pages, tables of content, answers to frequently asked questions, and reviews from homeschool families like yours. Our products are available for retail purchase through your favorite homeschool resellers!
As a thank you for visiting during the conference season, we’d love to share a few of our favorite literature study guides with your family. We hope they’ll bring you treasured moments of coming together to learn and grow with one another. It’s a time for that.
Celebrate Simple: Intentional. Real. Relational.
Resources to help your family make connections, create memories, and learn together.
Cherylbastian.com Code: SIMPLE10 for 10% off
Character Badges is designed to inspire children to build habits of good character and to help parents be more consistent in their child training. The Obedience Chart and the Disobedience Chart are designed to help you encourage good habits in your child through fun and engaging rewards all while discouraging poor behavior with predetermined and consistent consequences. Cut out the yelling and the guesswork and just direct your child to their chart!
Character Badges is good for children ages 5-13.
Little Character Badges is good for children ages 3-5.
SAVE 10% off anything in the store with the code: CHARACTER at the checkout, good through 4/15/20. FREEBIE: Help your children visually see if they are using more kind words or mean words throughout the week with WordMarbles, or find a children’s chore chart here.
The Character Corner Are you looking to build Godly character in your kids? Need help with parenting struggles? We have LOTS of tools to help you parent purposefully in our shop! Visit The Character Corner by clicking on the image below and take advantage of a 20 % discount! (Use code: hmc20)
Circle C Adventures is offering the following “Vendor Hall Specials” online… plus free shipping!
- Curriculum Bundles $10 off the discounted website prices. Use code BUNDLE2020 https://circlecadventures.com/literature-bundles/
- Library Special (All 32 Circle C and Goldtown books): $170 No code needed. https://circlecadventures.com/product/vendor-hall-only-library-special/
- All 4- or 6-book discounted sets for Circle C or Goldtown books: free shipping. Use code BOOKS2020
The Creation Trail You and your family deserve meaningful museum experiences no matter what. Due to recent developments with the coronavirus, you can now more easily than ever tour a museum from the comfort of your own home. Don’t forget to bring a creation guide along with you through our free mobile app, The Creation Trail. Plus, you will have a handy printable to help facilitate a discussion that makes learning about science and the Bible fun!
Visit http://museumsathome.creationtrail.org to grab your free printable and download the app today.
Exploration Education Science has offered hands-on physical science courses since 2002. Because of the cancellation of several conferences, we are offering our same conference specials through our website. (valid through April 2020)
Enrichment Studies brings fine arts and more to homeschooling families around the nation!
Make art appreciation an easy and natural part of your family life with this FREE collection! https://enrichmentstudies.com/check-it-out-for-free/
Everyday Education We’ve moved our convention specials online (and added a free bonus)!
A homeschool conference can be a time for learning, encouragement, and discovering resources that can make your homeschooling life easier. When many of our 2020 conferences were shut down, we wondered how we could help. We’ve decided to bring our conference specials online, and offer a special bonus — a free copy of the McGuffey Fourth Reader ebook — when you order!
The specials you’ll find at our site include
- $10 off the Handbook for Writers with purchase of Excellence in Literature
- The six-volume set of 1857 McGuffey Readers for just $60
- CursiveLogic and the Art of Cursive set for $48 or full set (four books) for $89
- Charlotte Mason 6-volume set for $79
- Secrets of the Universe (AO7, AGF) five-book set for $55
There are more, including many living books, French-ruled composition books, and Peaceful Planning booklets. We are sad to miss the conferences, and I’m sure you are too, but we hope these specials will help. Warmly, Janice Campbell
p.s. Use the special URL: https://EverydayEducation.com/#BetterTogether to access the bonus
Family Renewal Family Renewal was founded by Israel and Brook Wayne, homeschool graduates who are now homeschooling parents of ten children. We sell books and audio downloads on parenting and education, among other things. Israel’s new book is Raising Them Up: Parenting for Christians.
20% off everything at www.familyrenewal.org using promo code BT20.
Figures In Motion is offering their HOMESCHOOL CONVENTION SPECIALS to all home educators not able to make the conferences this year: Free book with each order!
History Bundle Pricing:
World History Bundle
Medieval & Renaissance History Bundle
American History Bundle
Get the Entire Collection!
With each book or bundle order (does not include digital Coloring eBooks) you choose either Dinosaurs on the Move or Footsteps of Faith Queen Esther. Let us know which free gift you would like at checkout!
For Such a Time as This is offering a 10% Discount on all online orders Enter Coupon Code “Convention Discount.” Sale ends July 1, 2020.

- The Baker Family Adventures (7 vols, ages 11-17) $59
- The Children’s Character Building Collection (11 vols, ages 8-12) $34
Grammar Galaxy Fast, easy, fun elementary language arts kids beg to do! You or your student reads a 10-minute story about how the evil Gremlin is attempting to destroy the English language. Your student joins the royal English children as a guardian of the galaxy. Rather than doing a dry workbook, your student will complete a mission in the mission manual to put the galaxy back in order.
There are 36 lessons covering literary concepts, spelling strategies, vocabulary, grammar, writing, and a little public speaking. Mission steps can be completed on 3-4 days a week or on one day a week. The audiobook available for level 1 (Nebula) makes this a wonderful option for auditory learners.
Try a complete lesson for free! Once you love us, use code HOMESCHOOLSANITY to save 10% on any order.
Stick Figure through the Bible with a fact-based curriculum that engages and inspires children of every age while equipping your children to grow in their faith.
GrapevineStudies.com Code: Better for 20% Off
Great Computer Deals Homeschool Convention Canceled? No Problem!
BIGGEST SALE EVER at HomeschoolLaptops.com
$300 Off All Macbook Pros – Use Code: PRO300
$200 Off All Macbook Airs – Use Code: AIR200
$200 Off All iMac Desktops – Use Code: IMAC200
$100 Off All Apple iPads – Use Code: IPAD100
$100 Off All PC Laptops – Use Code: LAPTOP100
$50 Off All PC Desktops – Use Code: DESKTOP50
$50 Off All Chromebooks – Use Code: CHROME50
Enter code at checkout for savings and FREE shipping! Great Computer Deals – Pahrump, NV
Homeschool Court will offer 20% off all digital mock trial curriculum using the code CONV20 at www.homeschoolcourt.com.
Homeschool Adventure Critical thinking from a biblical worldview.
- Philosophy Adventure – equips your students to write skillfully, think critically, and speak clearly as they explore the history of ideas from a biblical worldview.
- Philippians in 28 Weeks – a painless way to memorize an entire book of the Bible!
- Creative Freewriting Adventure – brings joy and excitement into your student’s writing.
- The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions – an engaging, character-building family read-aloud (or an independent study for your teen).
Save 20% on any digital resource with Online20 at HomeschoolAdventure.com
Homeschool Giveaways & Freebies Save 20% on your entire purchase at Homeschool Giveaways with coupon code CHSPM – valid through 4/15/20 – www.homeschoolgiveaways.com/store
- Daily Skill Building Vocabulary and Spelling – Open & Go, Independent Curriculum
- Companion Notebooks for the Julia Rothman Series
- The Weather Student Notebook – Companion to The New Weather Book by Master Books
- Geography, History Notebooking, Bible Studies & More
FREEBIE: Use code PRES to get the U.S. Presidents Fact Cards and Bio Sheets for FREE (offer valid through 4/15/20) *coupons can be used together!
Hi! Allie O. here, owner of Homeschool Manager – I’m the host of this fun get together. We are thrilled to link arms with our friends in the industry and pray this list blesses you. Most of the “convention specials” on this page are a limited time offer just like they’d be at a homeschool convention. If you have any other issue, please feel free to reach out to me and I’ll do my best to connect you with the company who can help! Thanks for visiting… and Happy Homeschooling!!
HomeschoolManager Homeschool management really can be easy! Plan, schedule and grade in moments plus keep records of volunteer hours and book lists, print report cards and build to a transcript with HomeschoolManager.
Homeschooling should be organized, but hey, things happen! Crowdsource homeschooling ideas in our facebook group. Keep your scheduling and planning both flexible and organized for less this season. We always offer a 30 day trial… for a limited time, also SAVE $10 OFF with this link.
iWrite Bible Scripture writing devotions for Moms and Teen! Some believers never find a way to practice healthy Bible study habits. iWrite Bible provides Christians with a simple plan that eliminates confusion, encourages engagement with God’s Word, and gives them the tools to grow in the faith.
iWriteBible.com Code: Together for 20% Off
Jim Hodges Audiobooks At Jim Hodges Audio Books, you can select unabridged recordings from our Young Listeners Collection, Classic Literature, Overtly Christian Recordings, Old Time Radio Shows, and the incredible historically accurate adventure novels by George Alfred Henty. Fantastic bundles on downloads OR significant discounts on Mix and Match CD titles YOU SELECT!
Shop Jim Hodges’ sale page because Mom Can Only Read So Much!
Learn Differently Kathy Kuhl helps parents with kids who learn differently & students who find it hard to thrive in traditional schooling because of learning challenges. With her three books (Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner, Staying Sane as You Homeschool, and Encouraging Your Child), and a blog full of tips and resources, Kathy helps you customize homeschool for your children and teens.
Sign up for a free 15-minute consultation at LearnDifferently.com and get 50% off the regular price of hourly consultations through July 1, 2020, with code: BETTERTOGETHER.
You love the flexibility of homeschooling.
Your family is important.
You love making learning fun.
You want your kids to be able to use the math they learn.
You don’t like busywork.
Consistent review is important to you.
You aren’t just doing “school at home” – you are homeschooling!
You’ll love Math on the Level!!
From now until July 1, 2020, purchase Math on the Level 2nd Edition and receive an extra 6 months of 5-A-Day Online Essentials free! Free shipping included. Check us out on facebook and online: www.mathonthelevel.com
NaturExplorers Science has never been so much fun! Nature study becomes a wonderful indoor/outdoor science lab for 1st-8th grade students with the NaturExplorers series of curriculum.
Save 20% on your next NaturExplorers purchase (and any other curriculum in the Our Journey Westward shop) with coupon code SPRING20 through 4/30/20. No Sweat Nature Study LIVE membership is excluded from the sale but I hope you enjoy the free sample lesson about seed dispersal!
New Millennium Girl Books Turn your Writing Time into a Delight while reading about Christian girl’s Journey of Faith.
Paper doll craft design clothing and creates a character to keep them busy! Highly recommended LIVING BOOKS! Click Link for the Special Discount: https://www.newmillenniumgirlbooks.com/Specials-.html
At Northwest Treasures, Geology we have great hands-on geology kits and curricula for PreK-12, all from a Biblical perspective! All kits include rock, mineral, and/or fossil samples. Choose from:
- Earth Science and Rocks and Minerals
- Fossils and Dinosaurs
- Earthquakes and Volcanoes
- National Parks and Historic Western Trails
- State Geology
- Geology for Little Eyes (PreK-3)
- Grades 4-8
- High School
Visit our website at NorthwestRockAndFossil.com and enter code SPRING2020 for 15% off your order.* Shipping included. Or check out our recorded classes at Vimeo, which have been greatly discounted, our lowest prices ever, from $2.49! *Does not include our camps, tours or seconds.
Homeschool History is a web-based app that you can access from any device. Search by topic, time period, country or region, and type of resource. Find books to check out at your local library. Find videos available to watch for free and movies available on streaming services. Find field trips near and far.
Right now you can get a 60-day free trial to explore the site and find resources to help you homeschool. No credit card required. Just sign up and start searching! Link: https://homeschoolhistory.com/
Notgrass History exists to glorify God by producing materials centered in His Word that help parents train their children to honor God with heart, soul, and mind. We are making two of our ebooks available at no charge to help you and your children pause and reflect on God’s provision and peace.
Draw to Learn the Book of Psalms and Walking In Peace will both be particularly comforting at this time. Download them for free from our website and print as many copies as needed for your family.
Only Passionate Curiosity is about finding the fun in homeschooling – despite being a little overworked, a little tired, and a little overwhelmed… we still find homeschooling to be an amazing adventure. You can find more homeschool content, tons of printable resources and other helps https://OnlyPassionateCuriosity.com.
Everything in the Only Passionate Curiosity store is FREE when using this code: coronahelp
Our Preschool Life Make everyday life the best preschool curriculum for your child!
Watch your 3–5 year old grow and thrive naturally with monthly shipments of the best books, artwork, craft supplies, chore cards, nature stickers, and more. Also enjoy digital deliveries of timeless poems and rhymes, games, outdoor play ideas, math concepts, music, folk tales, and much more. Plus, get refreshed with parenting tips, habit help, and personal encouragement just for you.
Free welcome kit plus $10 off your first month! Enter code 10off at ourpreschool.life/welcome (expires 8/31/20)
PowerHouse Writing Simple. Thorough. Effective.
Online Convention Special: Take 10% off our “one-and-done” essay-writing courses for grades 4-8 and high school with code “TAKE10.” Go to https://www.powerhouseedu.com/
Powerline Productions: Homeschool the Fun Way! Find resources for your grand homeschool adventure at a HUGE discount! Unit studies, conversational textbooks, timelines, lapbooks, cookbooks, picture books, Bible studies, and so much more—all from a Christian Worldview. Learn together as a family and make memories with these affordable, easy-to-use products and freebies.
Save a bundle at PowerlineProd.com – 40% off everything! Use coupon code: Convention40 for a 40% discount on ALL TITLES. Expires July 31, 2020. https://www.powerlineprod.com/shop/
Preparing for College (It’s Easier Than You Might Think) Free presentation! How can a parent be sure their students are prepared for life after high school? When do you begin preparing and what all do you need to do in order to be sure your students are prepared for college? With intention and well-planning, it is not difficult to homeschool your high school student with confidence. Come and find out more about dual enrolling, transcripts, scholarships and college testing. Do not rule out private colleges that come with high sticker prices because there are many ways to bring down the cost of college! You can do this!
Pat Wesolowski is an author, speaker, and homeschooling mother of 9 who is now the Homeschool Specialist at Bryan College in Dayton, TN. After homeschooling her 9 children for the past 32 years, she is finally finished! Pat has a heart for helping parents find joy in their homeschooling experience and, for that reason, loves teaching workshops in order to encourage and equip parents for a fun and successful homeschool experience. Pat is the host of a podcast entitled “Homeschooling Co-op Style,” writes a blog, and has authored numerous unit studies for homeschooled students. Pat has also written a free E Resource to help parents plan for a successful high school experience.
Productive Homeschooling Less busywork and more learning! That’s our motto at Productive Homeschooling. You can build an engaging, effective, and enjoyable homeschool … and keep your sanity too!
Free Resources: Sign up here to start with our free step-by-step guide and notebooking pages.
Convention Special: Click here to save $30 on our LIFETIME membership … your all access pass to our full library of downloadable resources including 1000s of notebooking pages. Offer expires Friday, April 24th @ midnight Pacific.
Raising Real Men We’ll all be spending a lot more time at home. How wonderful it would be if we could make that time profitable for our kids! So, we’re putting all the character-building audiobooks we publish on sale! These are the books our adult sons say shaped their characters.
- Use coupon code MarchAudio to take 50% off all downloadable audiobooks
- Use coupon code MarchCD30 to take 30% off the CD versions
PLUS get $10 off your first Craftsman Crate using code newcrate10. It’s a subscription box that builds your skills! Real tools. Real skills. Complete kits. ~Hal & Melanie Young
Simply Charlotte Mason Enjoy our convention discount online! Visit https://simplycm.com/coupon/bettertogether to apply a coupon for 10% off everything in our store.
This Simply Charlotte Mason offer expires 4/20/2020. Excludes scratch and dent items.
TheStrugglingReader.com is offering 25% off all online Purchases!!
The Struggling Reader products include a Reading Curriculum that covers grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and can be used to teach an emergent (new) reader or to remediate an older student – intended to get any student to an 8th grade reading level. This unique program includes reading tests parents can administer to determine skills already mastered and skills still to work on and provides a multi-modality, multi-sensory approach to teaching reading.
Based on same research as Orton Gillingham, Barton, and Wilson programs, the non-consumable tests will direct a parent to the specific activities their student will work on in the curriculum. Teaching is specific to each student’s test results, streaming teaching to work specifically on their areas of need.
Take Time for Art is the most fun you’ve ever had making hands-on art projects! Streaming videos tell the story of history and art history with step-by-step art projects. Visit us at https://taketimeforart.com/
Online Homeschool Convention Special: Get 20% off our wonderful art materials packs when you sign up for our newsletter here.
The Mystery of History Missing a homeschool convention? We feel your pain. We’re offering a “BUY THREE—GET ONE FREE” of The Mystery of History Audiobook CD Sets.
Our award-winning series, written and narrated by Linda Lacour Hobar, offer world history for all ages from ancient times to modern from a biblical worldview.
Retail price: $211.80 “History-to-Go” Bundle price: $165.00 (Saving $45, you get Volume I free!)
Illustrated textbooks, coloring pages, notebooking pages, games, and much more are available to ship or download from The Mystery of History.com. Now more than ever, let’s learn from history—and God’s Word!
Time Travel: Writing Historical Fiction is an online creative writing course for kids. With costumes and scenery, Susan Evans brings to life each of 7 time periods and shows students how to make weak writing stronger.
Shop the store with $20 off at Time Travel: Writing Historical Fiction
Trivium Pursuit presents John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress Parts One & Two featuring over 700 Illustrations Spanning 250 Years!!
Read Pilgrim’s Progress like you’ve never seen it before. Over 700 illustrations, many in color, chosen from dozens of sources over the span of 250 years. The text of this book is The Pilgrim’s Progress From This World to That Which is to Come, Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream by John Bunyan. It was first published in 1684. Combine the unforgettable text with the magnificent illustrations, and you have a child’s enchantment. When the book describes scenes such as Christiana being instructed by Secret or in the house of the Interpreter, or Mrs. Timorous gossiping to her neighbors, Mercy knocking at the gate or the man with the muck-rake, you will have dozens of imaginative illustrations to enhance the experience. Compiled by Laurie Bluedorn. Published by Trivium Pursuit. Two ebooks — $.99 each
Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network & Media Angels, Inc. present an Online Convention for FREE!
Free in REAL-Time – Join us Monday, March 23 at 2:00 EST and every Monday at the same time through April 13th. Come to ask your questions! Hosted by veteran homeschooling parents, authors and conference speakers. They are ready to help you along this journey. Many of the participants will be podcasters at the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network. Free Webinar: https://zoom.us/j/518909950
Want the replay for the How to Homeschool Blueprint: To receive many freebies, videos and audios, including the Ultimate Homeschool Planner and the How To Homeschool Blueprint Manual sign up here: https://mediaangels.com/how-to-homeschool-blueprint/
Free Character Planners every month for those who sign up for our eZine on the Ultimate Christian Podcast Network. https://ultimateradioshow.com/sign-up/
WriteBonnieRose – Affordable curriculum that’s fun and easy to use.
At WriteBonnieRose.com, we have hundreds of low-cost products plus lots of freebies. You can find history, science, writing, spelling, math, handwriting practice, and much more. With more than 600 titles, there is something for every grade level.
From now through June 30, 2020, save 25% on ALL titles, including already discounted bundles, with coupon code CONVENTION25. Coupon cannot be combined with other coupons.
Homeschooling friends, thank you for making it to the end of this list! As you plan & prep for your homeschool, we pray your research will be guided & blessed by the Lord so that your family’s unique needs are met. May the Lord bless and keep you.
~Allie O, co-founder HomeschoolManager.com