Your student is doing some amazing things in high school that really don’t fit well onto an academic transcript. Yet, you want to highlight them in some way for future college or scholarship applications.
I would encourage you to keep record of these achievements by building a high school resume.
A high school resume can include:
Jobs held
Volunteer positions
Leadership roles
Awards earned
Extracurricular activities
Involvement in community projects
Features in a newspaper or magazine article
Letters of recognition
Extra educational opportunities (weekend academic camps, etc.)
Anything else you would specifically like to highlight
Sit down with your student on a regular basis to keep the resume updated so you don’t forget anything along the way. A college may not necessarily ask you for a resume as part of their application process, but having all of this information gathered together in one place will help you as you sit down to discuss your student’s college application with an admissions officer.
To your success!
Joanne Mastronicola is an author and counselor focusing on all things high school. You can learn more about her at http://highschoolpuzzle.com.