
1. Lightning-fast Signup and School Setup

Signing up for Homeschool Manager and creating your family’s school takes less than a minute:

Join {with a 30-day free trial!} + enter your school name + enter your students = initial setup complete.


2. Easy, 3-step School Year Setup

We made setting up a school year as quick and pain-free as possible. The “new school year wizard” walks you through everything you need to create subjects and schedule them on the right days.


3. Simple, Straightforward Scheduling

Homeschool Manager doesn’t force you to go through lengthy, rigorous processes to enter tasks. Click on a student’s schedule to add, edit, or remove tasks instantly.


4. Rapid-fire Data Entry

Do you need to enter tasks quickly? Homeschool Manager’s “Quick-add task” feature helps you do just that. No mouse clicking necessary! Just type in the task name and hit enter.


5. Web-based {but print if you want to}

Homeschool Manager is a web-based, cloud application which means you can use it from any desktop or laptop and even tablets like iPads. You choose how your kids manage their schedule: give them the tablet so they can follow their schedule, make notes on tasks, and check things off -or- print a weekly schedule for them!